Hi, my name is Ioannis (Yanni) Batsios

I am a software / web developer living in Winston-Salem, NC


Misty Glen Retreats

A fully responsive website developed with HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, & JavaScript

Photo of the website of Misty Glen Retreats
Photo of the website of Michael Tourek

Portfolio for Michael Tourek

Fully responsive website for stage and screen actor Michael Tourek. Developed with HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, PHP & JavaScript. I also coded my own photo gallery to decrease loading times and make it fully responsive.

Spray It

A Twitter-like application that was developed for a class project. It was developed with HTML5, CSS3, PHP, SQL, & Bootstrap

Photo of the localhost version of Spray It


I like to do Art. (Photography, Filmmaking, Painting, Music)

Here's a small taste:

A photo taken of a landscape in Trinidad, Colorado

More coming soon.
